European partners
ELTE Intercultural Staff Training for staff members of higher education institutions
It is our great pleasure to announce ELTE's upcoming Intercultural Staff Training for staff members of higher education institutions in June 2024. The event is organised in the framework of the EUF Erasmus+ Crossroads initiative.
The program is targeted at
- central, faculty or departmental international coordinators or
- other staff members of higher education institutions (HEIs) who work with international students and staff on a day-to-day basis (e.g. student administration office or dormitory personnel)
who have at least one year of work experience in this area.
Participation is preferably limited to one person per (partner) institution, but no more than two persons per institution.
The language of the training is English.
10th - 14th June 2024
Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Education and Psychology
Kazinczy Building (KAZY) 1075 Budapest, Kazinczy u. 23–27.
The training program aims to promote intercultural skills and competencies especially for those who engage in intercultural encounters in their everyday work and feel that they need to further develop their skills to be more successful.
The research and experience-based program gives an insight into intercultural competencies while embedding them into a broader context of intercultural sensitivity, intercultural and intergroup relations. Besides analysing the main factors of intercultural competencies and the underlying psychological mechanisms of encountering a different culture, it places a special focus on identity, introduces the close connections between culture and human interaction, provides an introduction to intercultural learning as well as to the functioning of ethnocentrism, prejudices, and stereotypes. Furthermore, the program introduces possible strategies and means of developing an intercultural perspective and increasing the efficiency of intercultural communication. The training also builds on the intercultural experiences of those who work with international students and staff in higher education.
Those who participate in the whole training receive a Certificate of Attendance at the end. Participants will also receive a digital certificate about the obtained learning outcomes.
The electronic application form is available from 7 February 2024 to 1 April 2024 (prolonged). There is still a limited number of places available. New applications will be proceeded in the order of arrival, until the available places are filled. Please apply as soon as possible, but no later than 1 April 2024. We do not accept applications after the deadline.
The application form includes questions about previous experiences, motivations, and we request the applicant’s CV (in English) as well. The Privacy Notice regarding the processing of your data is available here, please read it before you apply.
Selection Process
We accept max. 25 colleagues to the Intercultural Staff Training.
The applications are assessed based on the applicant’s answers on the application form, including the motivation, and the professional CV in English. Our Department and the Institute of Intercultural Psychology and Education (IIPE) evaluate the applicant's potential contribution to the training (e.g. sharing good practices and ideas as well as willingness for active participation).
As the places are limited for the training, we also consider multiple factors with the aim of diversifying the group as much as possible, such as choosing preferably one person per home university and being balanced in terms of the representation of genders and home countries/languages.
We are mainly searching for people who have at least one year of work experience in working with international students and staff on a day-to-day basis but have not participated at a similar program before, thus have less training experience in this field. We hope that the opportunity to participate in the training will significantly advance the participants’ work at their home university.
All applicants are notified of the results of the application process. Successful applicants receive more detailed information with the letter of acceptance (in e-mail format).
The final results of the application process will be announced continuously, but no later than in the second half of April. Please note that we are unable to issue a Letter of Acceptance before this date.
The participation fee is 400 EUR. For CHARM-EU and EUF network university partners the discounted fee is 300 EUR. The fee includes the complimentary lunch of the first day, welcome package, work materials, cultural programs, coffee breaks and farewell dinner.
Other costs such as accommodation, lunch on the other days and travel are covered by the participants themselves. The list of accommodation and lunch options, the final program as well as other relevant useful information will be sent to all participants after the selection process is concluded.
Participants may apply for Erasmus+ staff mobility grant at their home university to cover the costs of the event (applicable for staff members of HEIs from EU Member States and third countries associated to the Erasmus+ Programme). A template for the Mobility Agreement will be provided after the announcement of the results.
Day 1, 10th June 2024, Monday |
9.30-10.00 |
Arrival and registration |
10.00-11.30 |
Training I. Introduction and getting to know each other |
11.30-12.00 |
Coffee break |
12.00-13.30 |
Training II. Introduction to culture’s concepts and dimensions, cultural similarities and differences |
13.30-14.30 |
Lunch break - complimentary |
14.30-15.30 |
Training III. Culture, self and identities |
16.00-18.00 |
Jewish district: walking tour with Haver Foundation |
Day 2, 11th June 2024, Tuesday |
9.00-10.30 |
Reflections |
10.30-11.00 |
Coffee break |
11.00-12.30 |
Training V. Culture shock and cultural adaptation of sojourners, factors influencing international students’ adaptation |
12.30-14.00 |
Lunch break - self-arranged |
14.00-15.00 |
Training VI. Erasmus experiences |
15:00-15:30 |
Coffee break |
15.30-17.00 |
Intercultural sensitivity: projects of non-governmental organizations with Menedék - Hungarian Association for Migrants |
Day 3, 12th June 2024, Wednesday |
9.00-10.30 |
Reflections |
10.30-11.00 |
Coffee break |
11.00-12.30 |
Training VIII. Gender stereotypes and gender roles |
12.30-14.00 |
Lunch break - self-arranged |
14.00-15.00 |
Training IX. Social sensitivity |
16.00-18.00 |
Getting to know the city – Guided visit and tour in the Hungarian Parliament OR in the Buda Castle (TBC) |
Day 4, 13th June 2024, Thursday |
9.00-10.30 |
Reflections |
10.30-11.00 |
Coffee break |
11.00-12.30 |
Training XI. Intercultural sensitivity |
12.30-18.00 |
Meeting with coordinators - networking (self-arranged, optional) |
18.00-22.00 |
Farewell dinner (location TBC) |
Day 5, 14th June 2024, Friday |
9.00-10.30 |
Reflections |
10.30-11.00 |
Coffee break |
11.00-12.30 |
Training XIII. Summary and evaluation |
12.30- |
Free time for cultural programs - self-arranged. Recommendations will be sent to all participants after the selection process is concluded. |
The Institute of Intercultural Psychology and Education (IIPE) was founded in September 2005 as an independent institute of the Faculty of Education and Psychology at ELTE University. The Institute is engaged in both education and interdisciplinary research. Its goal is to study multi and intercultural issues from the perspective of anthropology, psychology, education and the sociology of education, and to promote the integration of research findings into the training and education of students. It also aims to represent and implement the idea of multi and interculturalism in partnership and cooperation with other departments at ELTE, and with other Hungarian and foreign colleges, universities, other educational institutions, and NGO's. IIPE launched the first and only Master's program in Social Integration (formerly Intercultural Psychology and Education) in the region that aims to train professionals who are able to work with diverse values in a pluralistic society with their in-depth understanding and knowledge of intercultural psychology and education. Our graduates become professionals who are able to create environments that support the acceptance of different values and help to resolve inevitable conflicts effectively, as well as to capitalize on the assets of cultural diversity and intercultural interactions. IIPE's intercultural and social psychologist staff has been conducting antibias and intercultural experience-based training programs for more than two decades. One of the ongoing research projects of the IIPE addresses the psychological aspects of international mobility in higher education and the adaptation and acculturation of students studying abroad. Findings of this research are shared at the intercultural training.
May you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us:
international coordinator
ELTE Department of Erasmus+ and International Programmes