Closing the Mobility

Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility for Incoming Staff: Closing the Mobility

Guidelines for officially completing staff mobilities in the Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility programme.

You must officially close your Erasmus+ granted visit at ELTE in line with the program rules otherwise it cannot be considered an Erasmus+ mobility. In other words, if you might fail to submit the requested closing documents, you are not entitled to the scholarship you have received and might be required to pay back. So please remember to take care of these tasks at the end of your mobility!



The certificate filled and signed by your ELTE host is to demonstrate that you completed the planned activities during the contracted period. It is your responsibility to manage and collect your certificate in due time and submit at You may download the certificate template here: Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility Certificate of Staff Mobility for Teaching or Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility Certificate of Staff Mobility for Training.

Erasmus+ Participant SURVEY

At the end of your mobility you will receive a questionnaire from the European Commission in an automatically sent e-mail. It is mandatory for all participants to fill in and submit it. If you do not find the EU Survey in your mailbox (or spam) after you have returned home, please notify our colleagues at

Due to occasional technical problems the system may not register your submitted survey. To prevent any further consequences, once you have completed it, please download it as a PDF and email it to

The language of the survey is normally English, but if you prefer another language you can change it using the drop-down menu in the upper right corner.


If you would like to share your mobility experience and/or the results of your related academic work with our community, as well as with visiting students and professors participating in the Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility program, we would very much appreciate your report in any desired form: written or photo or video report – or a mixture of all these. It is also at your discretion which genre and tone you choose: from lighter travel reports to more serious academic writings, we gladly welcome them all. You may send your work (even if it has been published elsewhere and can be republished) to our colleagues at