Faculty of Primary and Pre-School Education
Faculty of Primary and Pre-School Education
The history of the faculty
The Faculty offers training and research activities that meet the social requirements of teacher training for learners’ education up to the 6th class of the primary school. The specialized fields of Primary School Teacher Training, Pre-School Teacher Training, and Infant and Early Childhood Education offer BA level qualifications, and also the option of continuing the studies on MA level.
In addition, the Faculty offers many programs of higher level professional training and further training that also meet the current social requirements. The former Teacher Training College of Budapest has been an integrated part of Eötvös Loránd University since 2000, and from 2009 the Faculty operates on university level.
The Faculty’s values and traditions, and its national and traditional ’primus inter pares’ role make it necessary to consider the changing social demands. Therefore the Faculty takes leading part in the innovation and development activities of the training fields that prepare future professionals for learners’ early education. The Faculty constantly develops its academic and professional relations both on national and international levels.
Primary School Teachers’ Training
offers the training of future professionals who possess theoretically based knowledge, skills and competences of pedagogy in order to complete teaching and education service concerning all compulsory subjects in the first four classes of the primary school, and at least one subject specialization in the first six classes of the primary school. The qualification enables professionals to continue their studies in the second training cycle. Students specialized in ethnic minority education will be able to teach
- the national language of ethnic minority education in the first six classes of the primary school;
- all compulsory subjects in Hungarian in the first four classes of the primary school;
- all subjects taught in the national language of ethnic minority education (in German or in Serbian).
Pre-School Teachers’ Training
offers the training of future professionals who possess theoretically based knowledge, skills and competences of pedagogy in order to complete the tasks of pre-school education. The qualification enables professionals to continue their studies in the second training cycle. Students specialized in ethnic minority education will be able to complete the tasks of pre-school education in Hungarian and in the national language of ethnic minority education (in German or in Serbian).
Infant and Early Childhood Education
offers the training of future professionals who
- can apply the proper methods of development and education when they look after and take care of 0-3 year-old infants and children;
- have competences in complex care, pedagogy, psychology and health development in order to improve children’s physical, mental, emotional, social and communication abilities;
- can support families with young children;
- can complete the tasks of care, education, mediation, representation and counselling.
The qualification enables professionals to continue their studies in the second training cycle.
Additional Training
Education MA training – Specialization of Pedagogy of Early Childhood at Eötvös Loránd University Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology.
Fields of specialization
- Preparation for professional examination of pedagogy with optional module
- Primary school teacher training with German ethnic minority specialization
- Pre-school teacher training with German ethnic minority specialization
- English as a foreign language in pre-school education
- Entertaining education of environmental sustainability
- Modern methods of competence development in the native language
- Pre-school animator of free time sports activities
- Mentor of playing
- Adapted Physical Education
- Preparation for guiding the integrated group of day care and day nursery
- Environmental education at Pre-school
- The methodology of non subject-related education
Fields of thematical training
- English as a foreign language
- German as a foreign language
- Mathematics
- Natural science
- Visual education
- Hungarian language and literature
- Information and Communication Technology
Fields of professional training on higher level (non-degree programmes)
- Youth management (pre-service and in-service courses)
- Infant and Early Childhood Education (pre-service and in-service courses)
Research fields
Students are involved in the following academic activities and workshops:
- The pedagogy of learners’ institutional education
- Resocialization and cultural dialogues in new religious movements
- Physical behaviour of 3-12 year-old learners
- Health development of 3-12 year-old learners
- Sustainability education in early childhood
- The pedagogical and psychological contexts of music education
- Research of bilingualism in national programmes of early years education
- The history of the institutions and politics of early years education
- Research of minority sociology and interculturality
- The concept of Hungarian nation and primary school learners in the period of dualism
- Teaching democracy in the primary school
- Education with the culture of objects and environment
- The effects of WEB 2.0 on the education and teaching of 3-12 year-old learners
International Relations
The Faculty has many international partners mainly in the area of the European Union. Main partners of the mobility and other professional activities are:
- Austria: PH Oberösterreich (Linz), PH Steiermark (Graz), PH Tirol (Innsbruck), Pädagogische Hochschule Wien
- Belgium: Erasmushogeschool Brussel
- Czech Republic: Tomas Bata University in Zlín, Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci
- Germany: PH Heidelberg; PH Ludwigsburg; PH Schwäbisch Gmünd; Universität Augsburg, EH Dresden, EH Freiburg, Europa-Universität Flensburg, Katholische Stiftungfachhochschule München, Technische Universität Dortmund
- Italy: Freie Universität Bozen, Università Europea di Roma
- Romania: Partium Christian University, Universitatea Babeş-Bolyai Cluj-Napoca
- Slovakia: Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre; Univerzita J. Selyeho v Komárne, Univerzita Mateja Bela v Bankskej Bystrici
- Slovenia: Univerza v Mariboru
- Spain: Universitat de Barcelona, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Universidad de Oviedo - Facultad Padre Ossó, Universidad de Oviedo - Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Uniersidad de Vic
- United Kingdom: Queen’s University Belfast
- Denmark: VIA University College
- Finland: University of Lapland
- Turkey: Bülent Ecevit University
Faculty of Primary and Pre-School Education
Faculty of Primary and Pre-School Education
