Faculty of Law
Faculty of Law
The Faculty of Law is one of the oldest faculties of the University. It was established in 1667 'to remit deficiencies in Hungarian legal education'. Until 1872 the Faculty of Law at ELTE was the only institution in Hungary which taught law and political sciences at university level.
The importance of the Faculty in Hungarian public life has remained prominent. Nearly 5000 students pursue their studies at the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences.
The greatest of our Hungarian jurists have taught here, and a great number of alumnihave gained high reputation in the field of law.
The Hungarian Accreditation Committee qualified the full-time legal education and training as "excellent" in 2000.
The Faculty aims to train graduates who have a thorough knowledge of legal and political theory of the legal system of the Republic of Hungary.
Students can enrol in Law as a speciality, taking full-time, evening or distance-learning courses. The training at the faculty aims at providing a very thorough theoretical and academic grounding as well as preparing prospective practising lawyers.
The Faculty also offers courses in Political Science. The objective of the courses is to train experts in political theory who acquire a comprehensive and systematic knowledge concerning the political structures and their major correlations in society, political institutions, the operation of political power, political organizations and values, as well as regarding socialization. This academic education enables graduates to pursue research with respect to political issues, and to prepare theoretical analyses as political experts. The degree awarded entitles its holder to be an expert qualified in political science.
The objective of courses in Social Insurance is to train experts who have an intimate awareness of the salient correlations between the different branches of social insurance and other social benefits, and who acquire extensive knowledge of the scientific results in human policy and the exploitation of human resources. Furthermore, the course provides practical skills in expediting administrative and routine matters in order to enable graduates to offer quality services.
The PhD School has been providing postgraduate courses in Law and Political Science since 1993. Under the auspices of the Institute for Further Legal Education a degree of expertise in a particular area of law may be obtained.
Bachelor studies
- Politology
- Labour and Social Insurance Administration
- Legal Administration
Master studies
- Criminology
- Financial-Law Manager
- Info-Communication Law (Law of Communication, Media Industry and the Information Society)
- Jurist Doctor
- Politology
PhD Schools
- PhD School of Law
- PhD School of Political Science
Further Education
- Further Legal Education
Departments of the Faculty
- Department of Agricultural Law
- Department of Civil Law
- Department of Civil Procedure
- Department of Constitutional Law
- Department of Criminal Law
- Department of Criminal Procedure and Sentence Execution
- Department of Criminology
- Department of Economics
- Department of Fiscal and Financial Law
- Department of General Legal and Political History
- Department of Hungarian Legal and Political History
- Department of International Law
- Department of International Private Law and European Economic Law
- Department of Labour and Social Law
- Department of Philosophy
- Institute of Political Science
- Department of Public Administrative Law
- Department of Roman Law
- Department of Sociology of Law
- Department of Statistics and Informatics Law
- Department of Theory of Law and State
Faculty of Law
Faculty of Law

News from the Faculty of Law

Promoting the employment of young parents
The Faculty of Law of ELTE and the Kopp Mária Institute for Population and Families (KINCS) are organizing an international scientific symposium
15. November 2024. ELTE ÁJK, Aula Magna (1053 Budapest, Egyetem tér 1-3)
The Faculty of Law of ELTE and the Kopp Mária Institute for Population and Families (KINCS) are organizing an international scientific symposium