The first special education institute in Hungary was established for deaf students in Vác. During the 19th century the national network of special education institutions gradually evolved. The unified Special Education College for Primary Teachers was established in Budapest in 1904. Already by the beginning of the 20th century Hungarian special educators had emphasized that special education support should be provided to persons with disabilities throughout their whole lifespan.
In addition to the training of special educators the former College was the first school in Hungary to introduce the training of social professionals at college level (BA), the training of "social organizers" started in 1972.
In 1975, the College of Special Education adopted the name of one of its former directors, Gusztáv Bárczi (1890-1964), an otolaryngologist specialist and special educator. He elaborated the world famous procedure for countering surdomutitas corticalis. Professor Bárczi modernized the education of persons with moderate and severe mental retardation in Hungary and developed the education programme of "Barczi Haus" in Germany (1958).
Based on a general training in special education and related areas students will be qualified generally in two chosen fields. Single field training is only possible in speech and language therapy. The fields of study are population-specific and include the following options:
- education of persons with behavioural disorders
- education of persons with hearing impairment
- education of persons with intellectual disabilities
- education of persons with special educational needs
- education of persons with physical disabilities
- education of persons with visual impairment
- speech and language therapy
Teacher training focuses mainly on preparing students for working with individuals and groups in schools and nurseries and in educational support services. In this training course there is more emphasis on teaching methods for different school subjects.
The special option in therapist training was introduced in 1992. Therapists trained at the Faculty are prepared for carrying out educational responsibilities also outside the school system in social and health care services (e.g. with persons with multiple disabilities and with adults). In this section of training there is more emphasis on different methods and approaches in remedial treatment and on general and specific counselling.
There is an international exchange of teaching staff and students with nine partner institutions from three different countries with the support of the Socrates/Erasmus programme. The Faculty is seeking further partners, especially in English speaking countries. Although the language of instruction is Hungarian for Erasmus students special courses are offered in German and English.
BA studies
MA studies
Further training
The Faculty offers postgraduate diploma programmes for a variety of professionals, such as pre-school teachers, primary school teachers, special teachers and others working in human and social services already having a BA or MA degree, enabling them to acquire thorough knowledge or attain new specifications in the field of special needs, special educational support or management.
Postgraduate diploma programmes
- Authorized Expert in Special Education
- Communication Resource Teacher
- Early Intervention Teacher for Children with Hearing Impairment
- Inclusive Teacher for Children with Special Needs
- Music Therapist
- Occupational Therapist
- Rehabilitation Counselling
- Rehabilitation Swimming Instructor
- Speech and Language Therapist
Departments of the Faculty
- Department of General Theory of Special Education
- Department of Hearing Impairment
- Department of Learning Difficulties and Intellectual Disabilities
- Department of Pathophysiology
- Department of Phonetics, Speech and Language Development
- Department of Psychopedagogy
- Department of Somatopedagogy
- Department of Visual Impairment
- Department of Rehabilitation Psychology
- Occupational Rehabilitation Research Team
- Research Methodology Group
· Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Needs Education
The Special Needs Education BA at Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) in Budapest, Hungary is a practice-oriented training program. Students learn how to help children, young people and adults with disabilities and impairments improve their skills and functions and how to assist them in learning, life management, rehabilitation, environmental adjustment and social integration.
Students from the third semester can choose one or two specializations (hearing impairment, visual impairment, physical disabilities, and intellectual disabilities). The program includes various field visits. In the last semester students participate in a professional practice program at partner institutions related to their chosen specialisations.