Márton Áron Special College of Szeged
Name: Márton Áron Special College of Szeged
Address: 6725. Szeged, Kálvária sgt. 87.
Total dormitory capacity: 167 people
Dormitory fee:
- 9.500 Ft/month/state-funded student
- 13.000 Ft/month/fee-paying student
Room types: Rooms with 3 or 4 beds
Bathroom: At the corridor
Learning room: Yes
- Internet
- Ping-pong table
- TV room
- Gym
- Library
- Guest rooms
- Roofed bicycle storage
- Open-air fireplace
- Cleared entrance and WC for disabled persons
- Washing of the bed linen
Common areas
- Common kitchen on each floor
- Lounge
- TV room
- Computer room
- Gym
- Learning rooms
The student provides the followings:
- Room cleaning
Approachability: Trams 3 and 3F, buses 36 and 90F
Average time to the faculties of the University: 20-60 minutes
Other notes: Smoking is not allowed inside the building only in the place appointed.
Márton Áron Special College of Szeged
Márton Áron Special College of Szeged
