Erasmus GAP
Erasmus GAP
The Erasmus+ cooperation partnership project, called Erasmus GAP (Exploring the gap between mobility students and the overall HE student population) aims to examine from an international point of view and draw attention to the existing gap among students with realistic opportunities for mobility and those without.
Over the next 2 and a half years, the consortium members of the Erasmus GAP project, which started in October 2023, formulate methodological and strategic proposals, as well as policy recommendations based on these, with which the differences in mobility opportunities of the above mentioned students could be reduced, increasing the number of students participating in mobility. As a result, this project can help make the Erasmus+ program even more inclusive.
ELTE primarily works on a background study that helps to establish the Erasmus GAP project, and based on this document, the colleagues contribute to develop a methodological toolkit, as well, which promotes the exploration of inclusive mobility strategies and practices. As a part of this work, ELTE experts examine those (societal, social and other) factors, as well as regional and national regulations, and institutional procedures that affect participation in mobility.
Colleagues from the Institute of Research on Adult Education and Knowledge Management take part in the project implementation: Assistant Professor Luca Alexa Erdei, Georgina Kasza PhD, Mária Szulovszky and Dóra Laczik. The professional supervision of the project is carried out by the head of the institute, Habil. Associate Professor Helga Dorner.
University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (France) – project coordinator
Eötvös Loránd University (Hungary)
European University Foundation (Luxembourg)
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Germany)
University of Porto (Portugal)
Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (Ukraine)
More information
Erasmus GAP project website (official - in English)