Tuğberk Sev: Tears of a machine
Tuğberk Sev is a psychologist and PhD candidate at Eötvös Loránd University, focuses on the intricacies of intercultural matters. His academic journey intertwines with his white-collar identity in artifical intelligence and machine learning projects. As a poet, Sev has published several poem books, characterized by a blend of futuristic melancholy, reflecting his deep examination of the human experience in an increasingly mechanised world.
Who are we, what connects us, how do we express our emotions in the age of AI? The exhibition entitled „Tears of a machine” focuses on the above topic through the use of artificial intelligence in creating his artworks.
Art exhibition in Book of Your Life community room (November 2024 - Februray 2025)
Side event at CHARM-EU Cultural Festival (5 November 2024) - more
Sev Tuğberk - Tears of a machine
Sev Tuğberk - Tears of a machine