The Non-Verbal Brain

From a neuroscientific and a psychological perspective

The Non-Verbal Brain

Course summary

The course aims to provide psychological and neuroscientific knowledge that is relevant to the fundamental mental and psychic functions that are not linked to verbal skills. Such functions are basic perceptual processes, memory and implicit retrieval skills, creativity and alternative states of consciousness. The course will cover both the individual theoretical background to each of the sections, as well as their practical application.
In addition to basic neuroscience and psychology, the course will also cover the therapeutic applicability of the processes discussed.

Course period

21 July- 03 August


Our course recommends 5 ECTS points, which may be accepted for credit transfer by the participants' home universities. Those who wish to obtain these credits should inquire about the possible transfer at their home institution prior to their enrollment. The International Strategy Office will send a transcript to those who have fulfilled all the necessary course requirements and request one.

Application deadline

30 May 2025 (max. 15- 20 participants)

Course fee

590 EUR; includes: tuition fee, course materials, meals (coffee break and lunch), local transport, opening ceremony and the cost of the leisure time programs, excursions

Course requirements

At least level B2 (CEFR) English proficiency 


Application form:

Meet the lecturers

Soma Zsebi

My name is Soma Zsebi, I am a psychology PhD student at Eötvös Loránd University, mainly interested in the cognitive aspects of our minds. I will help you get introduced to our course by laying out the basics and giving away all the information you need to understand the depths of our non-verbal processes better. I will touch upon some biological aspects as well, besides the psychological, however, the main approach will still be from the perspective of a psychologist. I hope you will find universally useful information and enjoy the learning process!

Zsuzsanna Geréb Valachiné

My name is Zsuzsanna Geréb Valachiné, I am a clinical psychologist, art therapist, and PhD candidate at ELTE. Soma and I are members of the EMIND neuropsychology research team (which you can read more about on this site: In our summer university course, I will help you familiarize yourself with the mechanisms and processes of visuality, art, neuroaesthetics, and different art therapy modalities with the connecting sensory systems. I aim to facilitate hands-on experiences and interactive dialogue besides the theoretical basics. Prestudies are not required rather an open mind and willingness to explore yourself beyond words. 

Course Syllabus

July 22: Foundations of Preverbal Communication: The development of the senses and other pre-verbal developmental processes

  • Basic neurodevelopment and function after being born and some aspects of the prenatal era as well
  • Development process of the frontal cortex and its related psychological functions
  • Evolutionarily based communication processes and functions

July 24: Basic senses and their uniqueness: vision, tactile perception and olfactory perception – and their alterations

  • Biological basics of the eye, tactile receptors, and olfactory receptors
  • Central nervous system-related areas and their interconnectedness
  • False perception processes and their induction causes

July 25

  • Development of non-verbal sensory processes; main Senses and Developments
  • Development of non-verbal processes regulating the affective, cognitive systems, and attachment interactions
  • Development of the visual system
  • Affective drives in early childhood
  • Touch, Body AwarenessSomatosensory Systems
  • Sensory Integration
  • Attunement and attachment, reciprocal communication differences
  • Emotional regulation (ER)

July 29: Implicit processes in all kinds of mental works

  • Basics of implicit processes, neural-network modeling theories
  • The adaptive nature of implicit processes and their advantages in everyday life
  • The disadvantages, potential problem sources and unanswered questions about implicit processes
  • Intuition and its theories

July 30

  • Body and mind - Motor Experiences and the Brain
  • Therapies that use Movement
  • Music therapy and music affecting emotions and cognition
  • Vision & Imaginary and All in Between
  •  Art therapy, an introduction, art therapy model
  • Art benefits for children
  • Neuroaesthetics: Art and the Brain, Utilisation of Arts, Art-making involved brain areas
  • Creativity
  • Help science and get to know yourself,

Aug 1.

  • From Sight to Image
  • Dreams, Mental imagery/ Guided imagination from a neuropsychology point of view
  • Hallucination, Psychedelia, and Synesthesia altered modalities
  • Integration of the senses


Aixalà, M. (2022). Psychedelic integration: Psychotherapy for non-ordinary states of consciousness.

Bear, M., Connors, B., & Paradiso, M. A. (2016). Neuroscience: Exploring the brain (4th ed.). Wolters Kluwer.

Bundy, A. C., & Lane, S. J. (2019). Sensory integration: Theory and practice. F.A. Davis Company.

Damasio, A. (2005). Descartes' error: Emotion, reason, and the human brain. Penguin

Damasio, A. R. (2012). Self comes to mind: Constructing the conscious brain. Arrow.

Gazzaniga, M., Ivry, R., & Mangun, G. (2018). Cognitive neuroscience: Fifth international student edition. W.W. Norton & Company.

Kolb, B., & Whishaw, I. Q. (2021). Fundamentals of human neuropsychology. Worth.

Maurette, P. (2018). The forgotten sense: Meditations on touch. University of Chicago Press.

Zeki, S. (1999). Inner vision: An exploration of art and the brain. Oxford University Press, USA.