'Speak, Influence and Lead' - workshop of the International Student Ambassadors

'Speak, Influence and Lead' - workshop of the International Student Ambassadors
The first workshop organized by the International Student Ambassadors titled 'Speak, Influence and Lead' was held on the 27th of February at the Faculty of Psychology and Education and attracted high number of participants. The main subject of the event was related to the development of communication and management skills.

However organizing trainings and workshops are not among the main duties of the International Student Ambassadors, four of them decided to start a series of workshops in in order to share their previous relevant experiences with their fellow students.

During this very interactive and informative evening we spent together, we were provided different communication and management techniques through presentations and games, and with the help of the guest speaker, Michele Orzan, we also got tips on how to use on-line social networking services to build our career or develop our business. The multicultural environment in which the event was held (the participating ELTE students represented more than 15 countries) made it more interesting and thoughtful.

The workshop was an outstanding example of student activism and initiative. We hope that in the future we will experience many events like this, which can make our University’s educational and cultural life even more colorful.

Thank Mariwan Ismael Arif, Aleksandra Khirv, Louiza Nigro and Alqudsi Mouhamad Mamdouh for organizing the event. We are looking forward to the next occasion!

'Speak, Influence and Lead'

'Speak, Influence and Lead'




