Introduction to Neuroscience
Autumn/spring semester
Aim of the course:
The main objective of the course is to give an overview on the basic methods, shared disciplinary
concepts and current theoretical models of Neuroscience, as a timely and developing
mulidisciplinary approach in understanding our brain.
Learning outcome, competences
- Psychopysiological, Neuroscience and Neuroanatomy concepts
- Current methods and main objectives in Neuroscience
- Basics in Neuroanatomy
- Utilisation of knowledge in scientific communication, presentation
- Skills af applying main methods
- Skills of identifying related neurological and neuroanatomical structures of psychological functions
Content of the course
Topics of the course
In modular structure, covering the following fields of research
Dr. Molnár Márk,
5x3 hours
- Methods in neuroscience 6 hours
- Psychopharmacology 3 hours
- Wakefulness, sleeping and attention regulation 2 hours
- Affetive processes, stress 2 hours
- Learning and memory 2 hours
15 hours
The neuroscience of main psychological functions
Dr. Honbolygó Ferenc
3x1,5 hours
- Perception
- Object perception
- Attention
Affective Neuroscience
Dr.Cserjési Renáta
3x 1,5 hours
Physiological needs and brain regulation
- Psychology and physiology of Pain
- Neuronal basis of social perception and empathy
Introduction to Neurology and Neuroanatomy
Dr. Jakab György
3x3 hours or 6x1,5 hours
Idegtudományi módszerek és a tudatosság
Dr. Nádasdy Zoltán
2x3 óra
- Neural coding 1x1,5
- Consciousness 1x1,5
- Computational methods in neuroscience 1x3
Mandatory radings:
Neil R. Carson: Foundations of Physiological Psychology, Allyn and Bacon, 1999
John T. Cacioppo: Handbook of Psychophysiology, Cambridge Univ Press, 2007
Jerry W. Rudy: The Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, Sinauer Associates, Inc. Publishers,
Kenneth Hughdal: Psychophysiology, Harvard Univ. Press, 2001
Mandatory Reading list:
Koch C, Massimini M, Boly M, Tononi G. (2016) Neural correlates of consciousness:
progress and problems. Nat Rev Neurosci. 17(5):307-21. doi: 10.1038/nrn.2016.22.
Cohen MA, Dennett DC (2011) Consciousness cannot be separated from function. Trends
Cogn Sci. 15(8):358-64. doi: 10.1016/j.tics.2011.06.008.
Neural coding:
Mandatory Reading list:
John von Neumann Neumann The Computer and the Brain (The Silliman Memorial
Lectures Series)
Engel AK, Singer W. (2001) Temporal binding and the neural correlates of sensory
Computational methods in neuroscience
Mandatory Reading list:
Stiefel KM, Ermentrout GB. (2016) NEURONS AS OSCILLATORS. J Neurophysiol.
jn.00525.2015. doi: 10.1152/jn.00525.2015.
Peter Dayan: Theoretical neuroscience (Computational and Mathematical Modeling of
Neural Systems)
Rieke F Warland D, van Steveninck R, Bialek W: Spikes: Exploring the Neural Code
(Computational Neuroscience)