ELTE-Africa panel discussion with African students

ELTE-Africa panel discussion with African students

27. June 2024.

ELTE University Library and Archives, BoYL Community Space (1053 Budapest, Ferenciek tere 6.)


27. June 2024. -

ELTE University Library and Archives, BoYL Community Space (1053 Budapest, Ferenciek tere 6.)

If you are from Africa, and like to participate in open discussions about important topics, this event is for you!

Let’s build a conversation together on education, inclusivity and cultural diversity, and make a step towards a better understanding of eachother's perspectives at the ELTE-Africa panel discussion. For the panel we invite students from Africa, and visiting the event is open for all ELTE citizens.

Venue: ELTE University Library and Archives, BoYL Community Space (1053 Budapest, Ferenciek tere 6.)

Time: 27th of June, 2024

The major topics of the dicussion will be:

  • how do you see your integration at the university?
  • what are the biggest academic and cultural challenges?
  • are Central Eastern European universities, including ELTE, doing enough to support African Universities? Is it necessary to support at all? Can we talk about beneficial or harmful higher education/scientific aid?
  • what role do the educated young people play in Africa's future?

 For the panel we invite students from Africa, and the participation requires registration!

Please apply for the discussion here: https://www.elte.hu/en/content/.f.600; by uploading your CV and motivational letter.
Please be aware that the application closes 6 June 2024.

 To visit the event registration is not needed, and it is open for all ELTE citizens!

We look forward to get to know you, and your great ideas and insights!