E-administration for Students

E-administration for Students

E-administration for Students

Cases not listed here are to be initiated through the electronic contact details on the website of the relevant department.


The aim of distance education is to enable students in a living situation whose physical presence is not feasible because of obstacles to travel to Hungary or health condition and have difficulties in  fulfilling their study and examination obligations.

Distance education may be carried out within the framework of the personalised instruction for exceptional cases (Section 74 of the Academic Regulations for Students). Personalised instruction for exceptional cases may be authorised for up to one semester in a procedure, but may be repeated. The request for a personalised instruction for exceptional cases must indicate, for each subject, the student's planned study schedule, the benefits requested, the prior support of the lecturer in charge of the subject, and the certificates and other documents supporting the reasons for the request. Information on how to apply can be obtained from the faculty websites or from the faculty Student Offices.


Method of request

If there is a Neptun application, it can be initiated by using it or, failing that, by using the relevant department's website with the relevant supporting material, if necessary. If the faculty uses a template or a form with specific content for the submission of the application, please use those.


It may be necessary to communicate with the student during the procedure, either by telephone or electronically (by personal message on Neptun or by e-mail to the e-mail address entered in the study system). The decision will be delivered electronically. An exception to this is the decision on the termination of student status, which are delivered by registered post.

Certificate of student legal status or other cases


Certificates may be requested:


Certificates may be subject to payment of fees and service fees. More information can be found about the fees on this page.

orphan's care, completion and authentication of other official certificates

Method of request

The certificate can be completed in person at Quaestura Office.


validation of student ID card

Student cards can be validated at the customer services of Quaestura Office. More information on student id cards can be found on this page.

Receiving new student ID card

Manufactured student cards can be collected in person at the central Quaestura Office (Egyetem tér 5, Budapest, 1053). More information on student id cards can be found on this page.

Issuance of temporary student certificate

Method of request

You can apply for it in person at the customer services of Quaestura or by starting an online case in Q-tér. Please indicate that you are requesting a certificate electronically or by mail, otherwise the certificate - temporary ID card - will be mailed. If requested electronically, it will be uploaded to your case at Q-tér and can be downloaded from there. Postal services are subject to a fee (HUF 1.000). More information on student id cards can be found on this page.

invoice requesting statement

Method of request

The original signed request must be sent to the faculty's Student / Doctoral Office. The request may be submitted by post or, if the faculty office provides this facility, in person via the means published on the faculty website. In the event of an impediment, a scanned copy of the signed declaration must be sent to the Student / Doctoral Office, but in this case the original must be handed in after the impediment has been removed.


Upon receipt of the request, the invoice will be issued in the Neptun system and will be forwarded by post.

issuing of diploma

Method of request

Former students who have not previously obtained a degree without a language examination certificate can apply by submitting a completed application form and language examination certificate in person at the Student Office or by sending it to the Student Office by e-mail.


The diploma and accompanying documents can be collected in person at the Student Office after any necessary data reconciliation. If specifically requested, delivery by registered post may be requested. In this case, the record of diploma receipt shall be the acknowledgement of receipt.

decision on awarding doctoral degrees

Method of request

Initiated ex officio without specific request of the student.


The Education Directorate sends it by post to the address stored in the Neptun system.


The language examination certificate must be presented at the Student / Doctoral Office, or a scanned image of it must be sent to the Student / Doctoral Office from the student's e-mail address in the Neptun system.

Requesting general information

In person, via email or, if possible, preferably a phone call to the appropriate office.

signing a scholarship / training contract

In person at the Student / Doctoral Office. If distance education is authorised within the framework of the personalised instruction for exceptional cases, the Student / Doctoral Office sends the student the officially signed contract by e-mail, which the student prints out and signs, and then returns it by post or to the Student / Doctoral Office e-mail address from the student's e-mail address in the Neptun system. In case of e-mail, the original contract must be submitted by the student after the expiry of the leave of absence.

incorrect bank transfer

Method of request

Administration of the transfer can be initiated


According to the voucher, identifying the item and placing it in a student account.

appealing against the University's first instance decision

Method of request

From the student email address stored in the Neptun system to the Student Appeals Board's email address (hjb@kancellaria.elte.hu). The appeal must contain at least the following: the student's name, Neptun code, address, name of the student's faculty, the identification of the decision against which he wishes to appeal, the reason the purpose of the appeal.


Within three business days, the Student Appeals Board will acknowledge receipt of the appeal. After making a decision without a personal hearing, the decision will be sent to Neptun or e-mail.

registration of a student with special needs

Method of request

A special needs report and the completed forms should be submitted in person, or, in case of a leave of absence, sent from the student's e-mail address stored in the Neptun system to the e-mail address of the Faculty Disability Coordinator. For more information on equal opportunities please visit this page.


The Faculty Disability Coordinator issues a personalized certificate of the student's special needs and benefits, which will be signed and returned, or, in case of absence, sent to the student's e-mail address scanned.

Requesting help from your disability coordinator for studies and exams

On the e-mail or telephone of the Faculty Coordinator; if you request an exam assistant, the request must be made no later than the fourth working day before the exam. For more information on equal opportunities please visit this page.

Neptun password

If you have your Neptun ID, you can create a password using this website: https://neptun.elte.hu/Account/ NewPassword. You can also request your Neptun password in person at the Quaestura Office.

Requesting a TAJ - Social and Health Insurence - Card (Stipendium Hungaricum, Christian Scholarship, Neighboring Countries)

Method of request

You can request it by uploading the required documents at Q-tér.


Upon request, the TAJ number assigned by the health authority will be recorded in Neptun.

making a health insurance contract

Method of request

1. UNION Health Insurance (for Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship holders)
The completed and signed contract has to be handed in in person at Quaestura Office.

2. Generali health insurance (for third-country, self-financed students)
Students can apply for the health insurance in person at the central Quaestura Office (Egyetem tér 5, Budapest, 1053).

Paying the adminssion fee

It can be completed by transfer using the account number and notice specified in the enrolment information on the faculty's website. For more information about the payment issues please visit this page.


Method of request

It can be initiated by completing the application form, attaching proof of transferring the fee (HUF 10,000) at the Student Office. In exceptional and justified cases, it may be initiated by sending the completed application form, and proofs of payment to the email address of the Student Office.


The copy of the diploma will be handed over in person or, if so requested, sent by registered post to the address given on the application form. In this latter case, the delivery receipt is the record of delivery.

Issuing a diploma supplement duplication

Method of request

A completed application form, a copy of the diploma and proof of transferring the fee (HUF 10.000should be submitted to the Student Office or sent by e-mail to the email address of the Student Office.


The duplicate of the diploma supplement will be handed over in person or, if so requested, sent by registered post to the address given on the application form. In this latter case, the delivery receipt is the record of delivery.

correction of a faulty diploma

Method of request

You can initiate it by presenting the completed application form and the original diploma at the Student Office, or by sending it by post to the Student Office.


The corrected diploma will be handed over in person or, if so requested, sent by registered post to the address given on the application form. In this latter case, the delivery receipt is the record of delivery.

issuing of a new diploma due to changed birth certificate

Method of request

It can only be initiated if the changed data is retroactive. It can be initiated by presenting the completed application form, a copy of the new birth certificate, proof of transferring the fee (HUF 10.000) and the original diploma at the Student Office or by sending it by post to the Student Office.


The new diploma will be mailed to you at the address given on the application form. In this case, the record of receipt shall be given in the acknowledgment of receipt.

issuing a copy of diploma, diploma supplement

A copy is not equivalent to the original document, it only certifies that the image of the copy is identical to the original. It can be initiated at the Student Office by completing the application form and presenting the original diploma/certificate. In exceptional and justified cases, it may be initiated by sending the completed application form, a copy of the diploma/certificate, and a proof of payment of the fee by bank transfer to the email address of the Student Office. A certified copy may also be obtained from a notary.