Distance education

Distance education

Distance education

Because the University intends to preserve some tried and tested forms of digital education while giving priority to face-to-face learning, thanks to amendments to the Academic Regulations for Students, from the 2021/2022 academic year onwards, classes can be organised either in person, online (synchronous or asynchronous) or in a blended form. Information on how a specific class is organised can be found in the course details when signing up for a class.

Furthermore, students who are unable to attend classes in person either because they are unable to enter the country or because attending in-person classes could be detrimental to them due to their health condition may request permission to participate in online classes to fulfil their academic and exam obligations within the framework of the personalised instruction for exceptional cases (for more information, see the E-administration for Students page).

The following recommendations for distance education can be helpful for cases involving classes not organised in person.

Guides for distance teaching/learning 

For teachers:

  • The two most important websites where information can be found on methodological and technical issues:
  • The short guide for using Teams can be found here
  • Videos made by the Faculty of Social Sciences on how to use Microsoft Teams and Microsoft Stream
  • Distance education methodological guide made by the Faculty of Education and Psychology

For students:

Further tools for distance education 

  • Sharing learning materials, completing assignments with students, completing (midterm) examination via distance education: guide for the Canvas learning management tool
  • Recording audio file for existing ppt presentations to replace lectures: recording audio for PowerPoint files
  • Overview of the most important e-learning procedures in accordance with the tasks of an academic semester: LMS fast guide
  • Frequently asked questions for e-learning tools: E-learning FAQ
  • Contact and group communication: Microsoft Teams

In case of a teacher has any question or needs to receive methodological support, or noticed the malfunction of Moodle/Canvas software, our colleagues are available and can be contacted on the elearning@oktig.elte.hu e-mail address.

Contact and group communication: Microsoft Teams 

MS Teams is the primarily supported group chat software by ELTE, which can be lawfully used by the whole community of the University (including students as well) for instant messaging, supporting group work, videoconferences and sharing documents.

The tool is available from web browser and can be downloaded to Windows 10, Android and iOS operation systems.


  • To join Teams visit the following website: https://teams.microsoft.com. For entering use your ELTE e-mail address.
  • Only those teachers and students can access courses, who have IIG ID and ELTE e-mail address. Both can be required on the https://ugykezelo.elte.hu website (can be switched to English after choosing „Belépés”) with the Neptun code.

Error handling

We hereby call everyone to test this week whether they can log in to the Teams application, so the distance education can properly start on 23 March.

  • If you are unable to log in to Teams with your username@student.elte.hu e-mail address and password valid for it, firstly it is recommended to renew your password  on the https://ugykezelo.elte.hu site (the old one can be given again), because the system does not accept passwords older than 2 years.
  • Those, who are unable to log in to o365 after renewing their password can notify the IT Directorate (IIG) at the operator@elte.hu e-mail address (preferably sending an e-mail from the username@caesar.elte.hu address).
  • If you report an error (preferably from your ELTE e-mail address), please describe the problem in details and attach a screenshot if possible.
  • The Faculty of Informatics has their separate o365/Teams system. The teachers and students of the Faculty of Informatics shall follow the order of actions and information provided by the Faculty.

Technical support can be required beside the customer support and the 6800 phone extension, via the teams@elte.hu e-mail address.