Data processing and analysis in hydrogeology
Semester 3
Autumn semester
The subject is the direct sequel to the B.Sc. subject called Environmental calculations. In the first half of the semester the basic knowledge about data analysis is expanded, with special emphasis put on hypothesis-testing,regression analysis, basics of time series analysis (trend, periodicity, forecasting). Ultimately the handling of missing data and its imputation is learned.
In the second half of the semester, multivariate data analysis is the main topic (variance-, cluster, principal component analyses) taught through environmental examples
- Rogerson, P. (2014): Statistical methods for geography. 4th edition. Sage, London, 424 p.
- Davis, J. C., Sampson, R. J. (2002): Statistics and data analysis in geology. Wiley, New York, 656 p.
- McBride, Graham B. (2005): Using statistical methods for water quality management: issues, problems and solutions. Wiley, New York, 344 p.