
BSU 2025 Accommodation

BSU 2025 Accommodation

All the Budapest Summer University participants are responsible for arranging their own accommodation for the period of the course. You can book an accommodation in Budapest individually or book a place in ELTE's Dormitory:

In case you wish to stay in the dormitory: 

The 165 EUR rental fee provides the dormitory place for the full length of the summer university program. Unique booking periods are possible, but for not longer than 31 days between 10th of July and 10th of August.

Please make the reservation here: indicatig the booking period and that you are a registered BSU participant. 

You can make the payment of the dormitory- 165 EUR by bank transfer: 

Recipient: Eotvos Lorand University
Name of the bank: Hungarian State Treasury Ltd.
Postal Address of the bank: Váci str. 71., 1139 Budapest, Hungary
Bank account no: 10032000-01426201-00000000
IBAN no.: HU03 1003 2000 0142 6201 0000 0000
Swift code: HUSTHUHB
VAT-Nr.: HU 1530 8744

In the comment section please write: N13601/16+ your name

Please note, that the dormitory fee must be transferred separately from the course fee, since the comments to be used are different.