International workshop focusing on the temporal and existential aspects of environmental aesthetic experience.

With eight international participants (including internationally renowned scholars such as Elisabetta Di Stefano, Arto Haapala, Jacob Lund, Mateusz Salwa, Alberto L. Siani),  junior and senior researchers from our OTKA-project (Perspectives in Environmental Aesthetics, Research Project, 2022-2025) will discuss the aesthetic aspects of concepts of temporality, duration and rhythm which have functioned differently in different historical periods.

Time can be perceived as moving forward, backward and sideways; it is often perceived as chronological and cosmic, geological and deep, local and global, evolutionary and discontinuous. The perception of time depends on our relationship to space, but also to the objects in space, i.e. to the environment and its atmosphere. Many issues in environmentalism concern time, among others preservation, restoration, conservation, Anthropocene, climate change; their aesthetic aspects always reflect on the experience of time. The presentations investigate these topics, along three major axes, focusing on different forms of temporalities, their perception, as well as their aesthetic implications. 

Time: 16-17 May, 2025
Venue: ELTE Faculty of Humanities, Building "A", Dékáni Kistanácsterem (1st floor 144.) & ONLINE

Join online: the necessary link can be found on the website of the event in due course: RCANE - International Workshop, 16-17 May, 2025, ELTE

The programme will be published on the website and on the Facebook event.