CHARM-EIGHT expansion project
CHARM-EIGHT expansion project

After the first stage of cooperation focusing on creating, designing and testing, the alliance is currently engaged in expanding and increasing its impact within the framework of the CHARM-EIGHT expansion project. While keeping in mind and practice the transversal principles of sustainability, inclusivity, mobility and multilingualism, CHARM-EU continues its work along the following five strategic lines.
1. Strengthening governance and cooperation
The first objective is to strengthen governance and cooperation with implementing the governance and management model of the alliance covering education, research, innovation and service to society. This includes strategic planning and the integration of the new partners that recently joined the Alliance: Åbo Akademi University, Würzburg University and Hochschule Ruhr West. This objective also involves the design and implementation of career paths and the recognition system for the staff participating in CHARM-EU.
2. Challenge-based learning lab and educational portfolio
The second objective is to consolidate and extend the innovative educational model of CHARM-EU by maintaining a challenge-based learning lab with a visible link to research, business and society. The Alliance will also work on expanding its educational portfolio with a joint transdisciplinary Doctorate Programme in Sustainability, transversal trainings linked to TORCH principles, micro-credentials covering different levels as well as lifelong learning.
3. Inter-institutional, intercultural, transdisciplinary, inclusive campus
Objective 3 covers the build-up of an inter-institutional, intercultural, transdisciplinary, inclusive and sustainable campus in order to promote long-term cooperation in a multicultural environment. This area will focus on digital infrastructures, the development of campus services as well as mobility options for both students and staff members while keeping multilingualism, inclusivity and sustainability as transversal principles.
4. Internal transformation in partner Universities
The forth objective focuses on the mainstreaming of successful innovations from CHARM-EU to the partner Universities. Within this central goal, the Alliance will support networking and community building at all levels while disseminating CHARM-EU best practices and activities within partners and preparing a professional development plan from a comprehensive perspective using the result of the previous projects.
5. Communication, dissemination, transferability and partnerships
The final, fifth objective is connected to the communication and dissemination of results, the transferability of tools and models and the strengthening of external cooperation as well as building partnerships at local, national, European levels and outside Europe (including the Global South). The Alliance will keep up its work to contribute to the European Educational Area as well as its forward-looking cooperation with other European University Alliances.
To summarize the main goals for the following four years, CHARM-EU will aim to be an influential icebreaker that inspires both academic and external stakeholders to the direct benefit of its students, university staff members and society as whole. The alliance will consolidate and strengthen governance and cooperation, develop its challenge-based learning lab and its educational portfolio while creating an inter-institutional, intercultural, transdisciplinary and inclusive campus that contributes to the European mindset. CHARM-EU will mainstream successful innovation and best practices for the benefit of its partner institutions and will continue to develop, implement, evaluate and disseminate innovative tools and models as well as build new partnerships at all levels.