Work permit for a part-time job
Work permit for a part-time job

Some students decide to work part-time during their studies or in the summer holiday. There are different rights and obligations for students from the European Economic Area (EEA: member states of the EU and Norway, Switzerland, Iceland, and Lichtenstein) and for students student from the non-European Economic Area (non-EEA or third country citizens).
Please note if you will receive income in Hungary, you are required to apply for a Tax Card in person at the National Tax and Customs Administration (Nemzeti Adó- és Vámhivatal).
Considering your citizenship, choose the appropriate way to work in Hungary:
If you are coming from an EEA state:
After your arrival in Hungary you are required to apply for the issuance of a registration certificate and for the registration of residence, if you are staying more than 90 days in Hungary. If you want to work part-time during your studies, there is no limitation considering the working hours. According to the Regulation (EU) No 492/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 April 2011 on freedom of movement for workers within the Union (Section 1 of Chapter 1):
"1. Any national of a Member State shall, irrespective of his place of residence, have the right to take up an activity as an employed person, and to pursue such activity, within the territory of another Member State in accordance with the provisions laid down by law, regulation or administrative action governing the employment of nationals of that State.
2. He shall, in particular, have the right to take up available employment in the territory of another Member State with the same priority as nationals of that State."
If you are coming from a non--EEA state:
Third-country citizens with residence permits for study purposes can pursue income earning activities in full time for no more than 30 hours a week during a term and for no more than 90 days or 66 working days outside the terms (effective legal regulations: Section 20 (3) of Act II of 2007).
You can find opportunities for a part-time job or an internship offered to students at the Career Center of the university.