Social Integration MA



Iran, Islamic Republic of

Syrian Arab Republic


Social Integration MA
Social Integration Counsellor
Degree program
4 semesters (2 years)
The goal of this program is to provide students with knowledge about the multifaceted nature of intercultural issues, multi/interculturalism, and social integration by means of a multidisciplinary approach, which includes psychology, education, sociology, and anthropology. The program is both theory-based and practice oriented. Courses are based on latest research in relevant fields, and students are given opportunities to test and apply their theoretical knowledge in practical situations. Approximately half of the program consists of trainings, seminars, and field work.
This program is recommended to applicants who are interested in the cultural, intercultural, and social aspects of psychology and education. We look for those applicants who see a great challenge in the organization of the working together of people of different sociocultural backgrounds, in the initiating and maintaining of intercultural dialogue, in the efficient resolution of emerging conflicts, and in profiting on the assets of diversity as well as in the promotion of the living together and successful cooperation of various minority and majority groups.
This program enables students to understand and effectively work with culturally diverse populations in different institutions and in different settings, ranging from small communities to multinational corporations. With their sound knowledge and competences in intercultural psychology and education, graduates of the program will be able to consciously treat the diversity of values in different societies, helping to promote social equity, human rights, social integration and cooperation of different minority and majority groups. Completing the program, students will be prepared to pursue doctoral studies, as well.
The program, which is one of the few of its kind in Europe, is strongly committed to interdisciplinary studies with a focus on psychological and educational issues. Focusing on the human dimensions of intercultural issues and interactions, while also giving ample consideration to their global context, the Program distinguishes macro-historical, macro-political or macro-sociological approaches.
- unique program with strong interdisciplinary focus
- professional preparedness
- administrative capacity to help facilitate student life
- almost 40 civil partner organisations for practice
The goal of the course is to give an overview of cultural anthropology and its related disciplines; to present current trends and the links between anthropology and other disciplines. The course introduces the basic concepts of cultural anthropology, its history and the work of the most influential anthropologists (Ruth Benedict, Franz Boas, MargaretMead, James Frazer, Claude Levi-Strauss, Bronislaw, Malinowski) as well as the major theoretical trends from the beginnings to the present, focusing on the discussion of the concept of culture. The course discusses the development of the concept of culture and analyzes the importance of its incorporation into the methodology of various disciplines, including sociology, psychology, pedagogy and medicine. It shows how the introduction
The course aims to introduce students to the basic concepts of ethnic and minority studies as well as acquaint them with some of the most important contemporary debates concerning minority populations in various geographical regions. Thus, the class will focus on North America, Western Europe and Central and South East Europe. In the Western countries it looks at minority issues related to immigrant populations and the latest debates on multiculturalism, and in the CEE and SEE countries it mainly deals with the Roma question, and specifically with one aspect of it, contemporary Anti-Gypsyism.
Learning outcome, competences
- Students will be able to assess new information and knowledge critically.
- Students will know the major trends and theories in global
The goal of the course is to introduce students into the understaning of some of the major social changes (globalization, migration, restructuring of society, social movements, etc.) that have led to the development of multicultural societies, and processes that have laid the foundations of multicultural thinking. It also aims to present some aspects of the history of science that have resuleted in a change of paradigm in social sciences, and have made it possible to explore areas formerly not known of by means of qualitative research methodologies.
Results, Competences
- The sudents get acquainted with the social processes shaping multicultural societies
- Students learn the key concepts of the topic (differences, diversity, otherness, strangeness, identity
The course gives an introduction to the social psychological literature on identity, especially social identity, with an emphasis on various aspects of cultural, ethnic and national identity. With a special focus on minority / non-dominant and majority / dominant groups the course discusses group identification processes and their consequences relying on the relating basic social psychological concepts - such as self-categorization, self-concept, self-esteem and social identity. The investigations of these phenomena take place on three levels; view systems and practices are examined on individual intrapsychic level, interpersonal level – as appearing in group and inter-group processes - , and social system level. While discussing the role of status and power differences in i
In the first part of the course students get aquainted with the 30 articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, analysing from a social scientific point of view those rights that concern the most our program, like such as the right to life, liberty and security, to freedom of opinion and expression, to freedom of thought, conscience and religion, to the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to freedom of movement, and to seek and to enjoy asylum from persecution.
After the general overview of human rights students learn about the historical development of minority rights, the most important theoretical debates as well as about those minority protection mechanisms that operate under the auspices of the UN and the European Council. The
The course discusses the main social psychological theories on prejudice and stereotyping with the aim of understanding social and cognitive motives. Social stereotypes, prejudices and psychological needs related to justification of social hierarchy and causes of intergroup conflicts are critically analyzed. The social-psychological and historical-evolutionary causes and consequences of racism, sexism, homophobia and anti-semitism and the role of ideologies in maintainig and reducing prejudices and stereotypes will be discussed. Preconditions and pitfalls of reducing prejudice as well as strategies for intergroup reconciliation will also be examined.
Learning outcome, competences
- is aquainted with the most important theoretical approaches on prejudices and
The aim of the course is to enable students to acquire knowledge on the global and regional processes and factors of migration, on the major migration theories, the most important conceptual frameworks of migration processes as well as on the contexts of integration of migrants and of the different migration regimes. It also aims to empower students to understand and analyze the situation of immigrant communities as well as know the relationship between migration and gender. The course will also tackle the issue of European Roma migration and some aspects of refugee migration.
Learning outcome, competences
- Students will be able to assess new information and knowledge critically
- Students will know the major trends and theories in global migration
- Students will
Aim of the course:
The training is designed to make students more sensitive to prejudices functioning on individual, group and societal level, and to draw attention to the consequent societal stereotypes and inequalities. By focusing attention to the determining - yet often hidden - role of culture the course aims to foster respect for human rights and human dignity, unbiased thinking and tolerance towards other cultures.
Learning outcomes and competencies
Knowledge and understanding of the main characteristics of the values of different cultures
Knowledge of the relationship between social-cultural-economic background and social success
Knowledge of the historical and cultural aspects of the relationship between majority & minority groups
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Aim of the course
The course aims to introduce students to the basic concepts of social science research as well as acquaint them with quantitative and qualitative methods. They will learn how to design research, how to conceptualize and operationalize their research question, and how to collect and analyze data. The course presents the most important empirical research strategies and methods, and the problems of cultural/intercultural research as well.
Learning outcome, competences
- Knowledge of qualitative and quantitative research strategies
- Knowledge of formal criteria of scientific publications
- Knowledge of managing scholarly resource databases
- Processing and critically evaluating scholarly literature
- Critical-evaluative approach when
The purpose of the course is to enable students to critically read and interpret academic texts. The course will introduce students to basic texts and theories in the field of multicultural education. The selected texts will be subject to an in-depth analysis and discussion in class. It is crucial that students properly prepare for class and critically read the assigned texts in advance.
Results, competences
- Learning methordology for reading and understanding scientific texts
- Learning the basic conceppts of multicultural pedagogy
- Learning about the main currents in multicultural pedagogy
- Students become open to reading foreign language scientific texts
- Students strive to improve their foreign language skills
- Students become
Course description:
The course brings the understanding of the mechanisms of intercultural relations into focus. Besides providing an insight into the theories of intercultural interactions and relations, the course makes participants aquainted with the close connection between culture and human thinking, emotions and behaviour, the characteristics of intercultural relations, through personal experiences.. It aims to increase intercultural sensitivity, competence, gender awareness and improve the efficiency of intercultural communication. It aims to replace the monocultural view with an intercultural one and to provide the necessary knowledge and skills related to the latter.
Learning outcomes and competencies
Knowledge and understanding of the main
Aim of the course
The course draws attention to the interaction between culture and human behavior; it highlights the relevance of culture and the cultural approach in understanding psychological processes. It delineates the cultural diversity and cultural determinants of human behavior, primarily in the field of development, social behavior, child rearing and socialization by making use the theoretical and conceptual frameworks and methodological tools of cultural, crosscultural and indigenous psychology. The course throws new light upon, and handles with criticism, the different approaches and results of mainstream psychology. The goal of the course is to develop and strengthen cultural awareness and sensitivity.
Learning outcome, competences
- Knowledge and
Aim of the course
After introducing the basic theoretical concepts and methods of counseling, the course points out at the limits of monocultural approach in counseling and calls attention to the importance of interventions and strategies that are responsive to the experiences and values the clients. An emphasis is placed on the role of intercultural competences, cultural self-awareness of the experts and the recognition of the importance of the cultural perspective of the client. The course addresses the question of status and power differences and minority-majority group position in the counsellor-client relationship and their influence on the process and outcome of counseling. In line with transformative multiculturalism, beyond individual and group counseling, the course
The goal of the course is
- to introduce the basic aspects of comparative and intercultural education
- to unfold their mutual relationship
- to show how much these approaches mutually construct each other: to show how much cultural explanations in education explain comparative educational research data and vice verse.
To make the theoretical foundations of the course stronger we introduce many examples to the students on cultural contacts between culturally different populations in education, we show how valuable these contacts are in many cases, and we also show how useful these intercultural contacts can be from the aspects of an effective education. We also introduce examples how much intercultural contacts in education can develop teaching and learning processes in
Aim of the course
One of the most significant achievements of cultural and cross-cultural psychological and pedagogical research in the past few decades has been the accumulation of ever richer knowledge about the diversity of the evolution, development and operation of cognitive development, learning and social behavior. Proceeding systematically from perception to the most complex learning and social processes, the course discusses the differences and similarities as regards these phenomena in East-Asian and Euro-American cultures as well as in cultures of the Arabic countries.
Learning outcome, competences
- Knowledge and understanding of the main characteristics of the values of diffferent cultures
- Knowledge of the main achievements of modern cultural
Aim of the course is:
Identifying the multiple determinants in different cultural contexts that promote or hinder the school success of children of disadvantaged groups. The course examines how school practices reproduce social inequality and how different strategies and attitudes toward education are formed among parents and children of these groups. We analyse concepts of cultural capital, voluntary/involuntary minorities, minority identity development, and stereotype-threat in relations to school achievement as well as good examples of minority education. Different Romani cultures and languages, the role of families and communities in socialization and conflicts between school and family socialization will be discussed as well.
Learning outcome, competences
Aim of the course is:
to enable students to facilitate discussions on current social questions and problems taking into account different points of view. The course discusses the concept of active citizenship in an educational context and analysis international and Hungarian good practices. Students can get aquianted with the concept of debate culture and learn how to argue starting from different premises, how to form pro- and counter-arguments as well as how to mediate a democratic discussion.
Learning outcome, competences
- is aquainted with the concept of active citizenship
- is familiar with the methods of active citizenship education
- is familiar with the basic criteria of faciliating democratic debates
- respects human and minority
Aim of the course is: to enable students to facilitate discussions on current social questions and problems taking into account different points of view. The course discusses the concept of active citizenship in an educational context and analysis international and Hungarian good practices. Students can get aquianted with the concept of debate culture and learn how to argue starting from different premises, how to form pro- and counter-arguments as well as how to mediate a democratic discussion.
Learning outcome, competences
- is aquainted with the concept of active citizenship
- is familiar with the methods of active citizenship education
- is familiar with the basic criteria of faciliating democratic debates
- respects human and minority rights
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Aim of the course
The aim of the course is to give an overview of the most relevant forms of inequality in education, to analytically discuss international and Hungarian good practices on interand multicultural education, and help students to develop their competences necessary for channeling theoretical knowledge to educational practices. The course will enable students to initiate, organize and evaluate activities and programs supporting social inclusion.
Learning outcome, competences
Students will
- Have a critical, analytical approach to information
- Able to analyze pedagogical initiatives and their context in a theoretical framework
- Know the connection between SES and education
Students will
- Consider cultural diversity a positive opportunity,
Aim of the course is:
to analyse how social construction of gender organises social and interpersonal relations as well as to introduce the most important social psychological research paradigms on sexism. The course examines the gender-related belief-systems, gender role expectations, different types of sexism, family and school socialization of gender roles as well as sex based discrimination in school and workplace context. While discussing the explanations of gender differences and their reproduction, the course gives an introduction into some critical and culturally sensitive theories that focus on the power relations between the sexes and their effects on career and politics. The course draws attention to the significance of gender-mainstreaming and methods of gender
Aim of the course
The course aims to understand the mechanisms and influencing factors of intergroup and intercultural relations. It focuses on investigating the functioning of and the methods to reduce prejudice, stereotypes, discrimication and stigmatization. In this part, the course partly builds on the previous topics of the Programme and at the same time, raises new dimensions. Another focus is placed on questions such as cultural characteristics of communication, psychological mechanisms of intercultural interations and relationships, pontentials of and conflics and conflict resolutions in such relationships. Special attention is paid to intercultural competence, its definitions, measurement attempts, development of intercultural competence. Furthermore, the concept and
Aim of the course is:
to analyse the effect of stereotypes, prejudices and ideologies on career of women and minorities. We will discuss the social psychological mechanism that have been introduced to understand women’s experience in organizations and apply them to analyse the situation of members of minority groups in the work place generally. The course will analyse how stereotype threat and self-fulfilling prophecies determine career choices in school context and career progress in work. Phenomena like the glass ceilling, the glass escalator, the glass cliff, the backlash agains agentic women, and the importance of token status will be discussed as well as their consequences creating and maintaing unequal opportunities for women and members of minority groups on the labour m
Aim of the course
Building on the other parts of the curriculum of the Programme (e.g. multiculturalism theories, the sociology of migration, intergroup and intercultural relations …) the course specidically concentrates on such questions of social integration and migration as the relationship between immigrants and host society, acculturation strategies of ethnocultural groups and of larger society, the conditions that promote and hinder these strategies, the role of the characteristics of the sending countries. The three frequently mentioned dimensions - legal-political, socioeconomic, cultural-religious - of integration literature require the interdisciplinary approach, but at the same time due to the nature of our MA Programme, psychological and educational aspects will be
The aim of the course is
- to introduce the basic theories and analytical frameworks of minority education and inequalities in education
- to offer a wide set of information on the international landscape of minority education
- to show how social diversities and inequalities are generated and influence educational inequalities as well and which ways they have this impact on education
- to show the relationships between disadvantaged minorities and educational failure with a focus on the language and minority position in a society
- to introduce the most influential and dominant educational policy paradigms on minority education
- to show the landscape of Roma and other minority education eg. linguistic monorities’ education and immigrant education with advantages and disadvantages o
Aim of the course
The course focuses on the psychological and educational aspects of the internalization of higher education and places the international mobility of students within the trends of higher education and migration. It deals with the acculturation processes and experiences of international students as sojourners, both during their studies abroad and upon returning to their home country. The main focus is placed on acculturation orientations (toward culture of origine, culture of host society and that of international community) as well as on the psychological (how they feel) and on the sociocultural (how they manage in everyday life and in school) adaptation as well as on the influencing, promoting and hindering factors. Further more, the course discusses the
The aim of the course is to enable students to write, design their own research proposal based on their previously acquired knowledge. They will formulate their research questions and implement their own empirical research based on their research plan. The course will help them throughout the whole process to critically look at their own work and further develop their analytical skills. The teacher of the course is also the supervisor of the thesis and the course provides the opportunity to have group discussions on methodological and other issues.
Learning outcome, competences
- Students will be able to critically analyse information and work with them using their own individual perspective
- Students know the perspectives and strategies of social sciences
- Students
Aim of the course
The goal of the course is the implementation of the theoretical knowledge in the field, gaining experiences, by joining the work of organizations dealing with social inclusion and intercultural issues. On the course of the Field Internship students gain and insight and experience in organizations working on diverse spheres of the Hungarian and international social field. Students will become able to understand intercultural relationships and communication, and to organize the cooperation of culturally diverse people.
Learning outcome, competences
- Has a general overview of the main theoretical approaches to education, psychology, anthropology, sociology, law and communication
- Knows the multicultural theories of social and cultural connections,
Aim of the course is:
to understand the effect of collective traumas on intergroup relations. The course covers the most important socio-psychological theories of intergroup conflicts (scapegoat theories, systematic frustration and the role of ideologies in intergroup violence), and the psychology of violence justification (cognitive dissonance theory, conformity and the ignorance of pluralism, studies by Milgram and Zimbardo). Individual and collective consequences of social trauma, the importance of collective memory in respect of social identity and intergroup relations will be discussed as well. Besides theoretical approaches to intergroup violence and its consequences special attention will be paid to Holocaust, anti-bias and human rights education in connection with
Aim of the course
The practical course is designed to support students in deepening their previously acquired knowledge of research methodology. Specific strategies and tools for research are discussed and reviewed during the planning and conducting of students’ own thesis research. Students will be able to formulate precise research questions, select and apply appropriate research strategies and methods and evaluate critically the empirical tests and their results utilizing various aspects of methodological considerations. The seminar provides concrete help in the preparation of students’ own thesis work by providing a place to discuss methodological issues which rise during thesis research.
Learning outcomes, competencies
- Knowledge of formal criteria of sci
Graduates will be able to understand the characteristics of intercultural relations and communication and co-ordinate the work of people from different cultures effectively in various fields both at national and international level in public administration, minority self-government, minority and mainstream media, schools as well as other formal and informal educational institutions, multi-national and civil organizations. After receiving an MA degree, students may apply to continue their studies in our PhD program.
- Social Integration Counsellor
- Coordinator at international office of universities
- Integration of migrants at organizations
- Person in charge of diversity managements at companies
2,900 EUR
2,900 EUR
120 EUR (non-refundable)
120 EUR (non-refundable)
Entrance exam fee: 120 EUR (non-refundable)
Entrance exam fee: 120 EUR (non-refundable)
2,900 EUR
120 EUR (non-refundable)
Entrance exam fee: 120 EUR (non-refundable)
01, Sep, 2025
10, Jul, 2025
Entry requirements
Fully recognised studies: Bachelor Degree in Psychology, Education, Special Education, Sociology.
In the case of degrees gained on other fields except for the mentioned ones above, each degree will be considered individually, and transcripts from your Bachelor's degree as well as course descriptions will be requested.
If the applicant takes the final examination during the current semester, and their degree certificate (diploma) is not issued before the last application deadline, a certification is required, which verifies that the applicant will presumably receive a degree. In case of being accepted as a student, however, the applicant must present the diploma upon enrolment at the latest.
This program is not available for Hungarian citizens.
The educational and outcome requirements are defined by the Ministry of Human Capacities (Regulation No. 18/2016. (VIII. 5.)). The details of the application and admission process are defined by the Organisational and Operational Regulations of ELTE.
Language requirements
Minimum level of language proficiency (oral) (A1-C2): C1
Minimum level of language proficiency (written) (A1-C2): C1
Further comments:
The language of instruction for the entire programme is English, so a very good command of English is required during the oral entrance exam and throughout the whole programme. The language knowledge is assessed and evaluated during the interview, the Faculty of Education and Psychology doesn't require an official language certificate.
Document | Comment |
Online application form | - |
Bachelor-level degree | - |
Transcript of records | - |
CV | - |
Statement (or letter) of purpose (900-1000 words) | Guidelines for Statement (or letter) of purpose |
Copy of the main pages of the passport (needs to be valid) | - |
Copy of application fee transfer | - |
Entrance exam fee | - |
Reference work | It can be any paper written in English by the applicant within the field of pedagogy (BA thesis extract, a research paper, a seminar paper, a research report, a published journal article or a book chapter, a case study, a literature review, etc.) Either a new paper or an improved version of an earlier work can also be written for the current application. The ideal length should be between 5-15 pages excluding references and the appendices. There are no special requirements concerning the format. |
Official English translation of the certificates and the records if the language of the original is not English | - |
Fully recognised studies: Bachelor Degree in Psychology, Education, Special Education, Sociology.
In the case of degrees gained on other fields except for the mentioned ones above, each degree will be considered individually, and transcripts of your Bachelor's degree as well as course descriptions will be requested.
If the applicant is taking the final examination during the current semester, and their degree certificate (diploma) is not issued before the last application deadline, a certification is required, which verifies that the applicant will presumably receive a degree. In case of being accepted as a student, however, the applicant must present the diploma upon enrolment at the latest.
The application starts in the online application system. Students need to register in the system, fill in the online application form, upload the required documents and follow the instructions during the application process.
The application and the entrance exam fee should be transferred to the following account:
- Name of Bank: Magyar Államkincstár (Hungarian State Treasury)
- Address of Bank: Budapest, Váci út 71, Hungary – 1139
- Holder of the account: Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem
- Account No.: 10032000-01426201-00000000
- IBAN Number: HU03 1003 2000 0142 6201 0000 0000
- On the transfer order please put down your full name and “AB01 B102 B10207/18”!
The deadline for application means the deadline of submission of the full and complete application package in the online system.
The application procedure includes 5 periods in order to give the applicants the freedom to submit their application when it’s most suitable for them. The applicants of each period have the same chance to get admittance for the programme. However, please note, that the Faculty of Education and Psychology ELTE reserves the right to cancel the entrance periods in case the number of the admitted applicants reaches the limit during the previous entrance periods.
- Period 1: 25 February
- Period 2: 25 March
- Period 3: 25 April
- Period 4: 27 May
- Period 5: 10 July
When the university receives the full application package and it is checked by the Student Affairs and Registrar’s Office an entrance exam date option will be sent in the online application system after the application deadline for the relevant period. Please, check your messages in the application system, and the e-mail address that is linked to the account regularly.
Procedure of the entrance examination
The applications are examined by the Admission Board and applicants are notified of the outcome of the selection in the online application system. Admission letters are sent out in the online application system.
The admission procedure contains an oral entrance exam. The entrance exam is a discussion in English about a social integration/an intercultural education and/or intercultural psychology related article, which the applicant receives at the beginning of the oral examination. The applicant has one hour to read and make notes after that the actual oral examination takes place. During the oral examination the applicant should be able to summarize the article and answer the questions regarding the article. The entrance exam can be taken personally or via an MS Teams meeting. (The application does not need to be downloaded, the meeting is accessible through the browser.)
Successful applicants must have a good command of English and pass the entrance exam. There will be a short discussion about the applicant’s background and motivation. Also, the letter of purpose will be evaluated.
Results and the official decision will be announced within a month after the entrance exam date, in the application system.
Type of entrance examination: oral
Place of entrance examination: in person or online. (Via MS Teams)
Director of Institute of Intercultural Psychology and Education
Violetta FRANK
International Admission Coordinator
TEL: +36 1 461 4500 / 3499
Postal address: 1075 Budapest, Kazinczy utca 23-27.
Social Integration MA at the Faculty of Education and Psychology
Social Integration MA at the Faculty of Education and Psychology
