Dormitory Centre

Dormitory Centre

Dormitory Centre HU

Amennyiben Ön magyar anyanyelvű nemzetközi ösztöndíjas hallgató, kérjük, kattintson IDE!

The ELTE Dormitory Centre provides accommodation to hundreds of ELTE international students in two cities, Budapest, and Szombathely. The dormitories are popular among both the Hungarian and the international students as they offer not only high-quality and affordable places and services – more than half of the dormitories have been completely rebuilt within a few years –, but because of the vivid community life as well.

Here you can read more about the University’s dormitories, the application procedure, you can find the dormitory regulations and guides to the frequently asked questions and the daily life in the dormitories.

The dormitory places (with a few exceptions like the end of studies or the summer dormitory period) are provided to the successfully applying students until the end of the academic year without any further application.

Please, read the following contents and subpages before contacting us!

General information and communication:





Active and coming application periods:

2024/2025 ACADEMIC YEAR (2ND OF SEPTEMBER 2024 – 4TH OF JULY 2025)



Guides Last modified
Guide to paying the dormitory deposit 30.01.2024.

Who can apply?

Every ELTE student and applicant (even before being accepted to the University) can apply to the ELTE dormitories, regardless of their faculty, scholarship, citizenship, or other quality.

How can you apply?

You can apply to the dormitory and housing services with the same application form. ELTE students must do it in the Neptun learning system, while ELTE applicants, who do not have a Neptun access yet, can apply with an online form. Both are dedicated only to the international students, who do not have to upload any document during the procedure. The applications are compared to the central and faculty databases before being processed.

Result of the dormitory application

Every applicant is informed about the decision at the same time. The dormitory applications usually have a result around 10th of July, 5th of January for the spring semester, and 10 of June for the summer dormitory.

Getting a dormitory place mainly depends on in which priority group does the applicant belongs to, and the time order of the applications within the priority group. The priority groups, in order are:

  1. ELTE applicants / students with special needs (physical disability, autism, etc.) on the recommendation of the ELTE Disability Centre.
  2. ELTE applicants / students to whom we must provide a dormitory place (e.g., in case of certain ministerial and bilateral scholarships).
  3. Applying / first year students with Stipendium Hungaricum, Christian Young People, and Hungarian Diaspora Scholarships.
  4. Non-first year ELTE students with Stipendium Hungaricum, Christian Young People, and Hungarian Diaspora Scholarships.
  5. ELTE applicants or students with other scholarships (Erasmus, CEEPUS, etc.).
  6. ELTE applicants or students without any scholarship (self-paying students).
  7. ELTE staff (interns, trainees, guest teachers).
  8. Non-ELTE applicants.

Waiting list

If you missed the application, or you did not get a place on the first try, you can still get a place on the waiting list. You can find its announcement in the Applications section.

Documents regarding accommodation

Before being accepted to a dormitory: The Letter of Acceptance issued by your faculty includes a paragraph with the address of an ELTE dormitory. It does not grant you a place, but it serves as a temporary proof of accommodation which is accepted by every Hungarian and most foreign authorities during your visa application.

After being accepted to an ELTE dormitory, but before signing in: Upon request at, the Dormitory Centre can provide you a proof of accommodation which you can use in any official procedure.

After signing in into the dormitory: The dormitory can provide you a Hungarian or bilingual dormitory certificate, the Accommodation reporting form for third country nationals, or other common documents upon request.

Moving in

The dormitory’s Letter of Acceptance provides more information regarding the arrival and checking in, along with the actual epidemiological information. Generally, the student is expected to arrive within the office hours.

Room assignment

Hungarian and international students are living in the same building. The dormitories and the floors are co-educated, but the rooms and common bathrooms are always separated to female and male. The students can send requests before the beginning of the academic year that will be considered when the room assignment is being made. Single-bed rooms are not available unless stated otherwise, you shall expect to have at least one roommate.

Dormitory fee, payment

For the comparison of the dormitory fees, please, open the section of the comparable tables or the dormitories’ subpages above on this page.

The dormitory fee includes the utilities like electricity, water, heating and the internet connection.

The dormitory fee must be paid for each begun calendar month of when the student is registered as a resident in the dormitory. Discounts (half-month fee) and daily fees are not available. The payment must be done in the Neptun study system. A detailed guide is available on the website of the ELTE Quaestura Office, in the FAQ / Fees and funds menu.

Accommodation allowance

Students with Stipendium Hungaricum, Christian Young People, and Hungarian Diaspora Scholarships do not pay dormitory fee for the months of when they are entitled to the accommodation allowance of their scholarship, including not paying the difference of the accommodation allowance and the dormitory fee. They do not get their accommodation allowance from the calendar month of signing in into the dormitory until the last full calendar month of the semester (January or June) regardless of the date of moving out, which rule resets on 1st of February.

Life in the dormitories

What do we provide?

The dormitory fee includes the utilities like the electricity, water, heating, and the internet. Every resident gets a bed with mattress, a large pillow and warm blanket, a wardrobe, a shelf, a table, and a chair. Every room has a fridge and a freezer. The rest are different in each dormitory, but international students are usually accommodation in 2-bed room that have its own bathroom.


The rooms are cleaned by its residents, the common rooms are cleaned by the dormitory. Every dormitory has stable and fully covered Wi-Fi connection in the buildings. Kitchens are usually on every floor, they are equipped with stoves, microwaves, and kettles, but otherwise the student must have his / her own kitchen equipment. Washing machines and drying possibilities are available in every dormitory. For more information, please, read the other articles, and visit the dormitories’ subpages.


The dormitories usually have a gym which you can use for free. Most dormitories have indoor and / or open-air sport facilities as well. It is also common that aerobic or similar trainings are organised on a weekly basis.

Community, cultural and free time activities

The dormitories have a vivid community life. International students are welcome and encouraged not only to participate, but to create their own events as well!

Main and regular events

Most dormitories also have a larger festival, usually during the spring. Every dormitory has smaller regular events like a tea house, movie club or board game night, and seasonal events around the Hungarian and popular international holidays. 


Our residents are from nearly 80 countries from around the globe. Regulations, the administration, information letters, manuals, etc. are all translated and available in English. International students are assigned to dormitories where they do not have to worry about the language barrier.

Room and dormitory change

The room assignment is managed by the dormitory, changing the room can be requested by the dormitory leader or the administrator.

Changing the dormitory requires a changing partner from the dormitory you intend to move to and the approval of both dormitory leaders.

Moving out

The dormitory places, with a few exceptions like the end of studies, are provided until the end of the academic year without any further application.

Those, who intend to move out before that, must inform their dormitory leader and the international coordinator of the Dormitory Centre at least a month before leaving. As the last step, the student must sign out by the administrator of the dormitory to complete the administration. The dormitory status remains active until then, including the obligation of continue paying the dormitory fee.

About the Dormitory Centre

The Dormitory Centre is a central department at the Chancellery, being independent from the faculties and the international offices. It and its international coordinator is responsible for the accommodation services at the University, including both the dormitories, and the Housing Office and the housing services. It organises the applications, helps the integration of international students, and supports the internationalisation of the University.