Doctoral School of Physics


Doctoral School of Physics


PhD in Physics


Degree program



Accreditation number



Institute of  Physics


Doctoral School of  Physics




8 semesters (4 years)

ECTS credits


Minimum number of students


Maximum number of students



At the Doctoral School of Physics founded in 1994.

Research topics are organized in three thematic programs:

  • Materials Science and Solid State Physics;

  • Particle Physics and Astronomy; and

  • Statistical Physics, Biological Physics and the Physics of Quantum Systems.

The program is research-oriented, the students start to work on their chosen topic under the guidance of a supervisor, immediately after enrolling in the program. In the first two years, students are required to attend 8 courses as well and complete the corresponding exams. In order to get the degree, students must have at least two papers published (or accepted for publication) in internationally renowned journals. The degree can be defended after 6 semesters, the earliest. The students should submit a short progress report  after each semester.

Research at the School is done in close collaboration with all major research institutes of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (including Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Institute of Technical Physics and Materials Science, Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences, and Institute of Enzymology).


  • Materials Science and Solid State Physics;
  • Particle Physics and Astronomy; and
  • Statistical Physics, Biological Physics and the Physics of Quantum Systems.
Strength of program

The Institute of Physics at Eötvös Loránd University ranked highly on the various international lists (like CHE), employs almost one hundred highly qualified permanent staff members working in various branches of experimental and theoretical physics. In addition, the Institute collaborates with the equally well-qualified research staff of the institutes of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Thanks to our supervisors coming from these institutions, our students can have access to the largest international research facilities (LHC at CERN, RHIC at BNL, LIGO, etc.) in particle physics, astronomy and astrophysics, as well as to a unique computing facility (200 PC's connected to form 'Poor Man's Supercomputer), which is used extremely successfully in large-scale lattice QCD simulations. We collaborate with several dditional research institutes and universities outside Hungary, and regularly have visitors  from abroad doing research or giving courses here. Thus our students have many opportunities to join  international research activities and establish professional contacts early in their career.

Courses to be taken in the first 4 semesters can be chosen, with the consent of the advisor, from a list of courses, depending on the research topic of the student.

The list is available at the following website under “curriculum”

Career opportunities

Our graduates apply successfully for postdoctoral positions all around the world, and later many of them get tenure or tenure track positions at universities or research institutes. Some of our students will pursue their research career in the non-academic environment of large international research institutions, tied to high-tech development.

Job examples
  • Research associate 
  • Research scientist 
  • Program developer 
  • University professor
EU/EEA students
non-EU/EEA students
Tuition fee/semester

If the research is performed at the Faculty: HUF 1 000 000; if the research is performed outside of the Faculty: HUF 300 000

If the research is performed at the Faculty: 4000 EUR; if the research is performed outside of the Faculty: 1500 EUR

Application fee

9000 HUF (non-refundable)

9000 HUF (non-refundable)

non-EU/EEA students
Tuition fee/semester

If the research is performed at the Faculty: 4000 EUR; if the research is performed outside of the Faculty: 1500 EUR

Application fee

9000 HUF (non-refundable)

Offered for the next academic year


Start program

01, Sep, 2025

Deadline for applications - September intake

31, May, 2025

Is there a February intake


Admission requirements

Entry requirements

Admission requirements: A master’s degree in physics or in a closely related field is a mandatory requirement. Applicants still pursuing their MSc studies should get their degree by the end of June 2018.

Language requirements

An internationally accredited language examination is required with at least a B2 CEFR level or equivalent result.

Examples of minimum level accepted:
TOEFL iBT 72 pts

Alternatively, an official certificate issued by the applicant’s previous higher education institution can be accepted, stating that the applicant’s previous education (Bachelor’s or Master’s degree) was completed entirely in English.

Documents to submit with application
Online application form
Bachelor-level degree (optional)
Master-level degree
Transcript of records
Research plan
Statement of Supervisor
Language certificate
Proof of application fee transfer
Letter of recommendation (optional)
Motivation letter (optional)
Copy of the main pages of the passport (optional)
Passport photo (optional)
Medical certificate (optional)
Reference work (optional)
Application procedure


Well before the deadline, please visit the official website of the Hungarian Doctoral Council where you find all the names and homepages of our supervisors and a list of thesis topics, respectively. Even if no thesis topics are announced by someone whose research field you find to be closely related  to your interest, please  contact her/him via email and agree on a topic suitable for you, provided your knowledge and research experience are relevant to the subject.

  • Upon mutual agreement, ask the potential supervisor to announce this new topic on the above referenced websites.

  • Agree with the supervisor on the outlines of the research and  prepare a research plan which should be submitted and signed by both the supervisor and you. 

  • Fill in the online application form

The application is done by submitting all the admission requirements in the online application system by 31 May 2023 the latest.

Procedure of the entrance examination :

The applications are examined by the Admission Board during May and June and applicants are notified of the outcome of the selection in the online application system in July. Admission letters are sent out in the online application system until August 1. In case of February intake, admission letters are sent out in the online application system December 1.

Type of entrance examination: oral 

Place of entrance examination: electronic

Criteria for ranking at the admission procedure shall include: 

  • previous university achievements (examinations, comprehensive examinations, qualification of degree), 

  • achievements related to previous research work ( publications in the particular professional area, awards), 

  • the feasibility of and personal engagement to the research plan.

The ranking is based on a total evaluation of the academic excellence (based on the submitted documents) and the results of the entrance exam. […]

The application package is reviewed by the admissions committee. Then the applicant is expected to take an oral entrance examination in the period of late June, early July. If a personal meeting is impossible, the interview is held through Skype or on the telephone.  During the interview, applicants will be asked about their prior studies, research experience, thesis work, motivation and theoretical knowledge. The decision on admission or rejection is made at the earliest date possible, but by the end of July 2018, the latest.

Program leader

Head of the Doctoral School

Program coordinator

International Coordinator
Mr. Péter MOLNÁR

More information
Faculty Website

Faculty of Science

Faculty of Science




